Yoga for Thyroid

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)

It helps in stimulating thyroid glands and controls thyroxin. In this particular pose, the blood flows from the legs to the head region due to the inverted pose which helps in mitigating thyroid.

How to Get into the Pose

Before doing the posture, it is recommended to prep yourself by opening up your muscles by doing a few others poses. Tadasana or simple neck and lower back exercises can be done before getting into the shoulder stand. It is essential to relieve any spinal stiffness before performing Sarvangasana. 

Here's how to get into the pose -

- Get into Savasana (corpse pose).

- Now, bring together your feet and place your hand sideways close to your body.

- Bring your legs close to your chest.

- Lift your lower body slowly (similar to Halasana or plough pose).

- Take your hands, place them on your backand slowly lift your legs up.

- Your entire body should be in a straight line with your upper arm supporting your back

- Hold the pose - begin with 10 seconds - breath normally.

- Now slowly fold your leg from the knee.

- With the support of your hands, get your upper body down.

- Get back on the mat and rest.

- Lie down in Savasana for as long as you held Sarvangasana. Don't get up with a jerk instantly after finishing it.

Halasana (Plough Pose)

This exercise gives compression to the neck thereby, stimulating the abdominal and thyroid glands. It also calms the brain and reduces stress and fatigue.The pose resembles to the Indian plough, hence it is called Halasana.

How to do Halasana

1. Grab a mat and lie down straight with your hands on the side.

2. Slowly raise your legs together followed by your hips. At this point you can also use your hands to support your back.

3. Take your legs backwards, over your head, towards the floor.

4. Gently, place your toes on the ground. Then, place your arms back on the side.

5. Hold this pose for as long as you can and while you do, breather slowly and keep looking forward.

6. As the blood rushes to your head, pace your breath and count to 100.

7. Once you're done, hold your lower back with your hands and bring your legs back to lie down straight. Exhale while you do this.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

This pose takes the form of a fish and therefore, it is called the Matsyasana. It stretches your neck hence stimulating the thyroid glands. This asana provides gentle healing suited to the needs of thyroid patients, lowers stress levels and reduces the stiffness of muscles and joints. It helps in relaxing the body and preventing mood swings and depression which thyroid might cause.

How to Get into the Pose?

Lie down on your back with legs wide apart.

- Now, bring together your legs and your hands - palms out, over your head, point your toes out and go into a full body stretch.

- Repeat twice, focusing on your breathing, inhaling and exhaling.

- Now, keep your hands under your torso nearing the glutes. Bring in the hands as much as possible.

- Lift up your body with your weight resting on your elbows.

- Drop your head back and arch your back with your feet together but relaxed.

- Relax your body, focus on your breathing, relax your eyes, head and mind.

- Keep inhaling and exhaling.

- Bring your head back up, look at your toes and slowly drop your body down.

- Move your palms out, keep your hands and legs apart, relax.

- Roll your wrists to release the pressure off them.

- Move you neck left to right.

- Bring your toes together, interlock you fingers and put your hands at the back of your neck.

- Now, counter the neck position. Go in the front, left and right, diagonally with your back intact on the floor.

Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose)

If you are able to perform the bridge pose successfully, you will be able to stretch your neck to quite and extent and activate the thyroid glands. It helps in calming the brain, reducing anxiety and improving the digestion system.

How to Get into the Pose

1. Lye on the mat with your back on the floor.

2. Draw your feet inwards towards the hips.

3. Your feet should be parallel to each other.

4. Knees should not be pointing outwards.

5. Now lift yourself up with your stomach going towards the ceiling along with your back, hip and thighs.

6. Chin and chest should be locked.

7. You can either keep your hands sideways or engage them in supporting your back.

How to Get into the Pose

first of all you have to wear some comfortable clothes, remember don’t wear tight and uncomfortable clothes while doing any asana. Setu Bandha sarvangasana etc is preparatory poses Bhujangasana.

  • Start with lying down on the floor on your stomach in a comfortable level preferably on yoga mat. Keep your feet together with the tops of them against the floor.
  • Now spread your hands on the floor under your shoulders and hug your elbows against your rib cage. After doing this close your eyes, and inhale slowly but deeply. Imagine the stability in your pelvis, thighs and your feet tops. Imagine, that part rooted to the ground.
  • Exhale gradually before opening your eyes, continue breathing process (Inhale- exhale) slowly and deeply. As you inhale, your arm should be steadily straighten and this feels uncomfortable. Extend through and deepen your stretch to create a gracegul arc in your back. Use the stretch in your legs and back, in place of exerting yourself to gain height and risk overarching the spine.
  • Now press your tailbone towards your pubis and lift your pubis toward your navel, in this trying to narrowing your hips.
  • Keep your shoulders broad but in relaxed, with the blades low on your back. Now lift from the top of your sternum, but try to avoid pushing the front of your ribs forward. Puff your side ribs forward and keep your lower back in relaxed, and trying to distribute the stretch evenly along your spine. In the process of up and down, inhale when your bent upwards and hold your breathe for few seconds and in down position exhale. In upward position trying to hold and your breathe also for some seconds, and release your breathe while getting back to starting position or lying down position.

Sirshasana (Headstand Pose)

It is one of the finest yoga postures as it helps in managing acts directly on the thyroid glands. It aids in balancing the metabolic functions and brings wakefulness and alertness in body.

How to Get into the Pose

  1. Interlock the fingers tightly, palms forming a cup.
  2. Place the head on the formed cup so that the crown of the head touches the palms.
  3. Raise the knees from the floor by pulling the toes towards the head. Slowly raise your legs upwards from the floor.
  4. After the body gets properly balanced in this position, gradually and slowly straighten the legs.
  5. Take care that you maintain equilibrium and you don’t fall backwards
  6. Make sure that the spine and thighs are in line, straight and vertical.
  7. Relax the whole body as much as possible.
  8. Close the eyes
  9. Breathe slowly and deeply.
  10. This is the final pose of sirsasana. Stay in the final pose for a comfortable length of time.  Come back by flexing the knees and sliding them down to the floor in reverse order.


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