Udiyana Bandha(The abdominal lock)

Steps of Uddiyana Bandha

Closely follow the steps discussed below when you want to do the Uddiyana Bandha.

  • Firstly you must sit in Siddhasana or Padmasana with your spine straight.
  • Keep your palms gently placed on your knees; relax your whole body and breathe normally.
  • Breathe in deeply and exhale completely.
  • Firmly hold your breath outside; lean forward as you bend your shoulders slightly.
  • Next, perform chin lock or Jalandhara Bandha and press your knees down with your palm.
  • Try to contract your abdominal muscles by pulling them inside and upwards. You will experience a strong sensation of suction from behind the sternum. With this movement, you can press your abdomen fully inside and make sure that your abdominal organs touch the back section of your spine.
  • Hold your breath outside and maintain the abdominal lock as long as it is possible for you. Initially, you start with 10 or 15 seconds and then increase it gradually for about a minute in due course of time. Many people can also hold their breath outside for nearly two or more minutes.
  • Release your abdominal muscles first when you want to release this lock. Next, bring your shoulders back to their normal position, gently release your chin lock and take a deep breath.
  • Stay calm and wait for as long as your breathing process gets back to normal. You can then repeat this process as many numbers of times as you want.

Benefits of Uddiyana Bandha

These are the main benefits of practicing Uddiyana Bandha on a regular basis.
  • It helps to effectively massage the various organs present in the abdomen.
  • Uddiyana Bandha can help to tone the adrenal glands as well as balance their functions.
  • The bandha can help in removing stress and tension.
  • This asana improves digestion simply by increasing digestive fire.
  • This pose can improve the functioning of the heart and boost blood circulation throughout the body.
  • With this pose, one can also improve blood circulation in the brain.
  • Since it can improve the functioning of the pancreas, Uddiyana Bandha is ideal for the patients of diabetes.
  • Uddiyana Bandha can remove toxins from the body and also improve the effectiveness of the immune system.
  • It strengthens the diaphragm which improves the overall functioning of breathing.
  • The Uddiyana Bandha can balance the mind, get rid of anger and irritability as well as eradicates a depressive mood.
  • Through the practice of Uddiyana Bandha, one can hold the air outside. Upward movement of abdominal muscles can improve the functioning of the respiratory system. Bahir Kumbhaka or the process of holding the breath outside can enhance lung capacity.
  • With this asana, practitioners can improve the functioning of the pancreas and liver.
  • This asana is extremely useful for steadily awakening the Kundalini Shakti inherent in the body and soul which ensures spiritual progress.
  • Uddiyana Bandha can activate Manipuraka Chakra or the solar plexus which boosts all the functions associated with the nerve center.


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