Shalabasana steps and it's benefits

Sanskrit Name: – Shalabhasana.
Meaning: – Locust or grasshopper.
In Sanskrit the word “Shalabh” stands for Locust or grasshopper which is a one type of insect, basically found in grass. While doing Shalabhasana the complete body shape seems like a locust or grasshopper structure thus this posture is additionally known as Locust pose. Shalabhasana advantages to strengthen back muscles and curing ailments like sciatica and back ache. There are total three methods for practicing Shalabhasana. We describe these methods one by one in a correct manner. This Asana is simple to do and suitable for everybody. This is the special Asana for the spine.

Steps of Shalabhasana 

  • Lie down on your Stomach; place both hands underneath the thighs.
  • Breath in (inhale) and lift your right leg up, (your leg should not bend at the knee).
  • Your chin should rest on the ground.
  • Hold this position about ten to twenty seconds.
  • After that exhale and take down your leg in the initial position.
  • Similarly do it with your left leg.
  • Repeat this for five to seven times.
  • After doing it with the left leg, inhale and lift your both legs up (Your legs should not bend at the knees; lift your legs as much as you can).
  • With both legs repeat the process for two to four times.

Benefits of Shalabhasana

  • It is beneficial in all the disorders at the lower end of the spine.
  • Most helpful for backache and sciatica pain.
  • Useful for removing unwanted fats around abdomen, waist, hips and thighs.
  • Daily practice of this Asana can cures cervical spondylitis and spinal cord ailments.
  • Strengthening your wrists, hips, thighs, legs, buttocks, lower abdomen and diaphragm.
  • Toughens back muscles.


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