Dandasana steps and it's benefits.

Dandasana is the Sanskrit word. The word “Danda” means – Stick and “Asana” means Pose. Dandasana Yoga (Staff pose) is the simple and effective sitting pose to improve posture, strengthen your abdomen, chest, shoulder and back muscles. Let’s check steps and benefits of Dandasana (Staff Pose).

Dandasana Yoga Steps

  • Sit with an erect spine on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. Feet should touch each other.
  • Do not bend your back and head.
  • Place your both the palms on the floor.
  • Now try to bend your fingers of feet inwards.
  • Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and keep breathing deeply.
  • After that release your pose and relax.

Dandasana Yoga Benefits

  • Strengthens your chest, back muscles, spine and shoulders.
  • Stretches your chest and legs.
  • Improves your posture.
  • Strengthens your abdomen.
  • Increase flexibility.
  • Calms your mind.
  • Increases focus and concentration.

Dandasana, Staff Pose Precaution

  • Those who are suffering from spine problems should avoid Dandasana.


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